This may help you with evil Crossposters..
(too old to reply)
2003-11-01 16:56:44 UTC



) ( ( (
( ) () @@ ) (( (
( ( )( @@ ( )) ) (
( ( ( ()( /---\ (()( (
_______ ) ) )(@ !O O! )@@ ( ) ) )
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/--| |( o| ( ) ) ((@@(@@ !o! @@@@(@@@@@)() (
| > \___| ) ( @)@@)@ /---\-/---\ )@@@@@()( )
| /---------+ (@@@@)@@@( // /-----\ \\ @@@)@@@@@(
| | \ =========______/|@@@@@@@@@@@@@(@@@ // @ /---\ @ \\ @(@@@(@@@ .
| \ \\=========------\|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ O @@@ /-\ @@@ O @@(@@)@@ @.
| \ \----+--\-))) @@@@@@@@@@ !! @@@@ % @@@@ !! @@)@@@ ..
| |\______|_)))/ . @@@@@@ !! @@ /---\ @@ !! @@(@@@ @ .
\__========== * . @@ /MM /\O O/\ MM\ @@@@@@@..
| |-\ \ ( . @ !!! !! \-/ !! !!! @@@@@ .
| | \ \ ) . . @@@@ !! !! .(. @. .. .
| | \ \ ( / .( . \)). ( |O )( O! @@@@ . )
| | / / ) ( )). (( .) !! ((( !! @@ (. ((. .
| | / / () )) )) .( ( ( ) ). ( !! )( !! ) (( )) ..
| |_< / ( ) ( ( ) ) (( ) )).) ((/ | ( | \( )) ((. ).



[ ] Clueless Newbie [ ] Luser [ ] Snerd
[ ] AOLer/Euronetter/PIer [ ] Advertiser [ ] Gub-gub
[ ] Me too-er [ ] Pervert [ ] Geek
[ ] Spammer [ ] Nerd [ ] Elvis
[ ] Fed [ ] Freak [ ] FLAMENET
[X] Top-poster [ ] Unbearably self-righteous person

You Are Being Flamed Because:

[ ] You posted a "test" in a newsgroup other than alt.test/nl.test
[ ] You posted warez in pieces LESS than 5000 lines
[ ] You posted a binary in a non-binaries group
[X] You quoted an ENTIRE post in your reply
[ ] You continued a long, stupid thread
[ ] You started an off-topic thread
[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[ ] You said "me too" to something
[ ] You don't know which group to post in
[ ] You suck
[ ] You don't properly read the posts you reply to
[ ] You brag about things that never happened
[ ] Your sig/alias/server sucks
[ ] You posted a (phone-sex) ad
[ ] You posted something totally uninteresting
[ ] You crossposted
[ ] You posted garbage
[ ] You posted commercial advertisements
[ ] You posted a message all written in CAPS
[ ] You posted racism shit
[ ] I don't like your tone of voice
[ ] I think you might be a member of CO$
[ ] I think you might be a fed
[X] You simultaneous both top- and bottom-posted

To Repent, You Must:

[ ] Give up your AOL/Euronet/Planet Internet account
[X] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it
[ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor
[ ] Actually post something relevant
[ ] Read the f****** FAQ
[ ] Be the guest of honor in alt.flame for a month
[ ] Apologize to everybody in this newsgroup
[ ] Post your tests to alt.test/nl.test

In Closing, I'd Like to Say:

[ ] Get a life
[ ] Never post again
[X] I pity your dog
[ ] Go to hell
[ ] Pass 'Reading and Comprehension 101' before you post again
[ ] I think your IQ must be 7
[ ] Take your s*** somewhere else
[ ] Learn to post or f*** off
[ ] Do us all a favor and jump into some industrial equipment
[ ] See how far your tongue will fit into the electric outlet
[ ] All of the above

End of Flame.

Have a nice day,


- The REAL Gr8-Scott
Brandon Hex
2003-11-01 17:21:18 UTC

So, how do you know the imposters are the 'evil' posters?

I been saying the opposite for years now.
Post by Gr8-Scott
) ( ( (
( ( ( ()( /---\ (()( (
| | / / () )) )) .( ( ( ) ). ( !! )( !! ) (( )) ..
| |_< / ( ) ( ( ) ) (( ) )).) ((/ | ( | \( )) ((. ).
[ ] Clueless Newbie [ ] Luser [ ] Snerd
[ ] AOLer/Euronetter/PIer [ ] Advertiser [ ] Gub-gub
[ ] Me too-er [ ] Pervert [ ] Geek
[ ] Spammer [ ] Nerd [ ] Elvis
[ ] Fed [ ] Freak [ ] FLAMENET
[X] Top-poster [ ] Unbearably self-righteous person
[ ] You posted a "test" in a newsgroup other than alt.test/nl.test
[ ] You posted warez in pieces LESS than 5000 lines
[ ] You posted a binary in a non-binaries group
[X] You quoted an ENTIRE post in your reply
[ ] You continued a long, stupid thread
[ ] You started an off-topic thread
[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[ ] You said "me too" to something
[ ] You don't know which group to post in
[ ] You suck
[ ] You don't properly read the posts you reply to
[ ] You brag about things that never happened
[ ] Your sig/alias/server sucks
[ ] You posted a (phone-sex) ad
[ ] You posted something totally uninteresting
[ ] You crossposted
[ ] You posted garbage
[ ] You posted commercial advertisements
[ ] You posted a message all written in CAPS
[ ] You posted racism shit
[ ] I don't like your tone of voice
[ ] I think you might be a member of CO$
[ ] I think you might be a fed
[X] You simultaneous both top- and bottom-posted
[ ] Give up your AOL/Euronet/Planet Internet account
[X] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it
[ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor
[ ] Actually post something relevant
[ ] Read the f****** FAQ
[ ] Be the guest of honor in alt.flame for a month
[ ] Apologize to everybody in this newsgroup
[ ] Post your tests to alt.test/nl.test
[ ] Get a life
[ ] Never post again
[X] I pity your dog
[ ] Go to hell
[ ] Pass 'Reading and Comprehension 101' before you post again
[ ] I think your IQ must be 7
[ ] Take your s*** somewhere else
[ ] Learn to post or f*** off
[ ] Do us all a favor and jump into some industrial equipment
[ ] See how far your tongue will fit into the electric outlet
[ ] All of the above
End of Flame.
Have a nice day,
- The REAL Gr8-Scott
Keith Hann
2003-11-02 08:21:49 UTC
"Brandon Hex" <***@hatemail.com> wrote in message news:sxwhex-***@0-1pool152-14.nas9.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwest.net...
Post by Gr8-Scott

You call that a form flame? RGMW scoffs at your feeble efforts. Fear our
greatly expanded form flame, filled with arcane & meaningless in-jokes. Our
collective apologies for the inevitiable formatting errors.

Now new and improved (and of course, even larger; in this case, much
larger). PS Blank Dave can't possibly make a larger form flame.

**RGMW Form Flame**RGMW Form Flame**RGMW Form Flame**

[Mark those that apply. Do not fold, spindle, or mutilate.]

[ ] Sir [ ] Madam
[ ] Adam Durley [ ] AOLer
[ ] Alec [ ] Alistair
[ ] Alien164 [ ] Alma Madsol
[ ] alt.religion.wicca [ ] Ancient Gamer
[ ] Anton Svärd [ ] Armchair asshole
[ ] Asshole-on-line [ ] Avatar
[ ] Babe [ ] Backpedaler
[ ] BAZ! [ ] Bed Wetter
[ ] Being that defines the term "Negative value"
[ ] BHL [ ] Big Al
[ ] Bigot [ ] Bill Fort
[ ] "Black Belt" [ ] Blackheart
[ ] Blank Dave [ ] Blue Raja
[ ] Bonehead [ ] Boob
[ ] Boor [ ] Brad Hann
[ ] Capitalist Pig Dog [ ] Captain Farrell
[ ] Chaplain-X [ ] Cheshire Cat
[ ] CheezHankrn [ ] Child of incest
[X] Communist [ ] Comrade
[ ] Comstar [ ] Conservative
[ ] Craig Little [X] Cross-poster
[ ] Cud-chewer [ ] Daniel Blakemore
[ ] Daniel Bond [ ] David Gausebeck
[X] Democrat [ ] Dingle Berry
[ ] Doctor Faust [ ] Donovan Borman
[ ] Douche bag [ ] Ducalguard
[ ] Dumbass [ ] Dweeb
[ ] Elvis [ ] Erik Setzer
[X] Ethnic Albanian [ ] Evil Homer
[ ] "Expert" [ ] Fake SEAL
[ ] Fanatic [ ] Fanboy
[ ] Fart Knocker [ ] Fat Bloke
[ ] Fed [ ] Fluff Nazi
[ ] Fluff Nazi Wannabe [ ] Fog
[ ] Former SEAL [ ] Frat boy
[ ] Freak [ ] Fundamentalist
[ ] Gav Thorpe [X] Geek
[ ] Goof [ ] Goth
[ ] Grammar Nazi [ ] Grammar Nazi Wannabe
[ ] Great Man on Campus [ ] GW Fanboy
[X] Hamster lover [ ] Helicon_One
[ ] hikaru [ ] Hooker
[ ] Hypocrite
[ ] Idiot Who Can't Shoot Straight
[ ] Ignorant Snot
[X] I'm Not Sure What the Hell You Are
[ ] Impersonator [ ] Inbred Goat-boy
[ ] incrdbil [ ] INF
[ ] Insane Ranter [ ] Jackass
[ ] Jagged [ ] Janet Quick
[ ] Jervis Johnson [ ] Jimi
[ ] Jock [ ] Joe "Meridian" Schulte
[ ] John Hwang [ ] Justin Gaskins
[ ] Keith Hann [ ] Kellopyy
[ ] Kirk Macdonald [ ] Kurt
[ ] La Grief [ ] Lamer
[ ] L******* [ ] Liar
[ ] Leech [ ] Liberal
[ ] Lisa Grayson [ ] Little Al
[ ] Llama [ ] Lonely Masturbator
[ ] LuckyStryke [ ] Maka
[ ] Mario [ ] Marshall Dragoo
[ ] Math Nazi [ ] Matthew Maggio
[ ] Matthew Sprange [ ] Meathead
[ ] Medical mistake
[ ] Member of GW's Target Audience
[ ] "Me too" er [ ] Mikael
[ ] Missionary [ ] Monkey Spank
[ ] Moon Beam [ ] Moramarth
[ ] Moron [ ] Myrmidon
[ ] Nagash [ ] NARP
[ ] Nephew of Alec [ ] Nerd
[ ] Ng Chern Ann [ ] Northy
[ ] Octavulg [ ] Old Bear
[ ] Organic refuse [ ] Other progeny of Alec
[ ] Overall goober [ ] Peckerhead
[X] Person Not Important Enough To Be Named Directly
[ ] Pervert [ ] Peter Cowderoy
[ ] Phatty [ ] Philip Bowles
[ ] Pigfucker [ ] Pimp
[ ] Pirate [ ] Pitstarter
[ ] Pochi The Dog [ ] Porn Star
[ ] Poster-Girl For Postnatal Abortion
[ ] Power Gamer/Rules Lawyer [ ] Pre-teen
[ ] Prick [ ] Qrab
[ ] Rabid [ ] Rafale
[ ] Rec.Games.Miniatures.Misc
[ ] Redneck [ ] Religious Zealot
[ ] Republican [ ] Retard
[ ] Richard Lobinske [ ] Rick Priestly
[ ] Rob Fungsang [ ] ROBCPW1 (or TheRob01)
[ ] ROB sympathizer [ ] Robert Singers
[ ] Robert Smeatham [ ] Robert Williams
[ ] Roodie-poo Candy Ass [ ] RTC Member
[ ] RT Maitreya [ ] rzrsedge
[ ] Samuel Campbell [ ] Scammer
[ ] Scientologist [ ] Scumbag
[ ] Seal [ ] SEAL
[ ] Shim [ ] Slecky
[ ] Smartass [ ] smithdoerr
[ ] Sockpuppet [ ] Spammer
[ ] St. Jason [ ] Story Monster
[ ] SunDancer [ ] Sycophant
[ ] Tag Nazi [ ] Tahrik Mili
[ ] Tim Huckelberry [X] TIMO!!!!!
[ ] Tit [ ] Tobias Reinold
[ ] Tom Beliech [ ] Troll
[ ] Twerp [ ] Twit
[ ] Tymberwulf
[ ] Unbearably Self-Righteous Person
[ ] Vampy [ ] WaReZ D00D
[ ] Web TVer [ ] WEBSTERR
[ ] White House Intern [ ] Whoopi Goldberg
[ ] William Shatner [ ] Woodchuck
[ ] Most of the above
[ ] All of the above
[ ] Some of the above, not including All of the above
[ ] Other:
[ ] None of the above - it's far too horrible to contemplate

You Are Being Flamed Because:
[ ] I hate you
[ ] I think you might be a fed
[ ] I think you might be a GW employee
[ ] I think you want to be a GW employee
[ ] I think you might be a member of GW's target audience
[ ] I think you might be
[ ] Adrian "Trying to put enough weight on to sumo wrestle Fat
Bloke" Wood
[ ] Alessio Cavatore
[ ] Andy "Needs a new barber" Chambers
[ ] Andy "Free 4+ Invulnerables during happy hour" Hoare
[ ] Brian "I can only sculpt orks" Nelson
[ ] Chris "Never wipes his chin" Bickford
[ ] Dave "Where's my hair?" Andrews
[ ] Dave "I suck dick" McFarlane (it's a Canadian thing)
[ ] Gav "Never let me write a codex again" Thorpe
[ ] Jervis "I hate Squats" Johnson
[ ] Jes "Should be the only one to touch the Eldar" Goodwin
[ ] Kenny "I glued my head to a table" Goodman
[ ] Mark Bedford
[ ] Mike "His fingers should be broken before he sculpts again"
[ ] Nigel "Crack Pipe" Stillman
[ ] Paul "What's a Marauder?" Sawyer
[ ] Pete Haines
[ ] Rick "Not quite dead yet" Priestly
[ ] Robin "Slightly Rotund Bloke" Dews
[ ] Simon Shuker
[ ] Space "My parents are sadistic bastards" McQuirk
[ ] Tim Adhock
[ ] Tim "I killfiled RGMW" Huckelberry
[ ] Tuomas "What's army escalation?" Pirinen
[X] I'm bored
[X] It's just that kind of day
[ ] You
[ ] are on AOL
[ ] should be on AOL
[ ] make AOL look good
[ ] You
[ ] are on Web TV
[ ] should be on Web TV
[ ] make Web TV look good
[ ] You accuse others of doing the same thing you do
[ ] You advocated duping figs even though you know that's tantamount
to killing babies
[ ] You advocated duping unpainted babies on a 2+ on 1D6
[ ] You advocated Net censorship
[ ] You advocated posting binaries to text groups
[ ] You are a gutless coward that can't post from a valid e-mail
address (we'll track you down anyway)
[ ] You are apparently compelled to post to every thread
[ ] and you're not BAZ!, Big Al, or Old Bear
[ ] You are clueless
[ ] You are Erik Setzer
[X] You are not William Shatner
[ ] You are too stupid to do a web search
[ ] You are too stupid to figure out we hate your kind of people
[ ] You are under the misapprehension that Cheshire Cat isn't really
Whoopi Goldberg
[ ] You are under the misapprehension that this group is your preserve
[ ] You are under the misapprehension that this group isn't (below)'s
[ ] Anton Svärd [ ] Ancient Gamer
[ ] Avatar [ ] Big Al
[ ] Blackheart [ ] Blank Dave
[ ] Blue Raja [ ] Brad Hann
[ ] Captain Farrell [ ] Cheshire Cat
[ ] Craig Little [ ] Daniel Blakemore
[ ] Daniel Bond [ ] Donovan Borman
[ ] Fog [ ] hikaru
[ ] Insane Ranter [ ] Janet Quick
[ ] Jimi [ ] John Hwang
[ ] Justin Gaskins [ ] Keith Hann
[ ] Kellopyy [ ] Kurt
[ ] Maka [ ] Mario
[ ] Marshall Dragoo [ ] Mikael
[ ] Myrmidon [ ] Northy
[ ] Octavulg [ ] Old Bear
[ ] Peter Cowderoy [ ] Philip Bowles
[ ] Qrab [ ] Rafale
[ ] Rec.Games.Miniatures.Misc
[ ] Richard Lobinske [ ] Rob Fungsang
[ ] Rob Singers [ ] Rob Smeatham
[ ] Robert Williams [ ] RT Maitreya
[ ] Samuel Campbell [ ] smithdoerr
[ ] St. Jason [ ] SunDancer
[ ] Tobias Reinold [ ] Vampy
[ ] William Shatner
[ ] All of the above
[ ] Other:
[ ] You are wasting bandwidth without any useful purpose
[ ] You are wasting oxygen without any useful purpose
[ ] You argued about copyright law as if you knew what you were talking
[ ] You argued about evolution as if you knew what you were talking about
[ ] You argued about GW's future business plans as if you knew what you
were talking about
[ ] You argued over the Armor Save of Khorne Terminators
[ ] when everyone knows it's 2+ on 1D6
[ ] when everyone knows it's 3+ on 2D6
[ ] when everyone knows it's 2+ on 2D6
[ ] when everyone knows it's spelled "Armour"
[ ] RTFM!
[ ] You asked a question that was covered in the RGMW FAQ
[ ] You assumed that AOL/CIS/Prodigy founded the Internet
[ ] You assumed that Al Gore founded the Internet
[ ] You assumed that the Internet is a U.S.-only phenomenon
[ ] You barged into this quiet little newsgroup and started stinking up
the place just because you read an article about RGMW in some
magazine or heard something on TV etc...
[ ] You believe copyrights are a demented plot invented by the evil Jewish
guys who run Hollywood and control the world
[ ] You bitched and moaned about being left out of the RGMW Form Flame
[ ] You can't seem to understand the Second Law of Thermodynamics,
no matter how many times it's explained to you
[ ] You claimed to have
[ ] PROOF, but refused to post it
[ ] a take-no-prisoners attitude
[ ] and don't actually have one
[ ] a Blackheart hardman <c> attitude
[ ] and don't actually have one
[ ] You compared the cost of GW figures to cars
[ ] You compared the cost of GW figures to other company's figures
[ ] You complained about how all forty GW figures you bought this
month were expensive and covered in flash
[ ] You complained about GW's lack of
[ ] asian minis
[ ] black minis
[ ] gay minis
[ ] three-headed albino gay midget bus driver minis
[ ] You complained about the supa-seekrit regs
[ ] You complained that you didn't make the outtakes
[ ] You considered the following to be reliable reference sources;
[ ] A GW Publication
[ ] Any program covered by [ ] Talk Soup or [ ] SNL News
[ ] Golden Books' "Exploring Science", printed 1955
[ ] Company Marketing Hype [ ] Hard Copy
[ ] Inside Edition [ ] Microsoft
[ ] Oliver Stone [ ] OMNI Magazine
[ ] Pravda [ ] The National Enquirer
[ ] The Onion [ ] The Simpsons
[ ] The Sun [ ] The Union Leader
[ ] An unidentified, but obviously stupid, person or publication
[ ] Other:
[ ] You continually responded to yourself
[ ] and still lost the argument
[X] You continued a long, stupid thread
[X] that I didn't find entertaining
[ ] You continued a thread about religion
[ ] that I didn't find entertaining
[ ] You continued a thread about sexuality
[ ] that I didn't find entertaining
[ ] You continued some other off-topic thread
[ ] that I didn't find entertaining
[ ] You didn't quote anything from earlier in the thread, which
rendered your reply incomprehensible
[ ] You didn't understand (below)'s sarcasm
[ ] Anton Svärd [ ] Ancient Gamer
[ ] Avatar [ ] Big Al
[ ] Blackheart [ ] Blank Dave
[ ] Blue Raja [ ] Brad Hann
[ ] Captain Farrell [ ] Cheshire Cat
[ ] Craig Little [ ] Daniel Blakemore
[ ] Daniel Bond [ ] Donovan Borman
[ ] Fog [ ] hikaru
[ ] Insane Ranter [ ] Janet Quick
[ ] Jimi [ ] John Hwang
[ ] Justin Gaskins [ ] Keith Hann
[ ] Kellopyy [ ] Kurt
[ ] Maka [ ] Mario
[ ] Marshall Dragoo [ ] Mikael
[ ] Myrmidon [ ] Northy
[ ] Octavulg [ ] Old Bear
[ ] Peter Cowderoy [ ] Philip Bowles
[ ] Qrab [ ] Rafale
[ ] Rec.Games.Miniatures.Misc
[ ] Richard Lobinske [ ] Rob Fungsang
[ ] Rob Singers [ ] Rob Smeatham
[ ] Robert Williams [ ] RT Maitreya
[ ] Samuel Campbell [ ] smithdoerr
[ ] St. Jason [ ] SunDancer
[ ] Tobias Reinold [ ] Vampy
[ ] William Shatner
[ ] All of the above
[ ] Other:
[ ] You did not vote for smithdoerr
[ ] You discussed "My (below) is/are Better Than Your (below)"
[ ] Education [ ] Job
[ ] Nation [ ] Nation's military
[ ] Nation's system of weights and measures
[ ] Nation's use of the letter "u"
[ ] Pulsating Cerebral Lobes [ ] Religion
[ ] Taste in music [ ] Taste in women
[ ] Other:
[ ] You discussed the following in this non-nutcase newsgroup
[ ] Alien President theory
[ ] Batboy
[ ] Creationism
[ ] Druidism/Wicca
[ ] Faith healing
[ ] Flat earth theory
[ ] Freemasonry
[ ] Government weather control
[ ] Government conspiracy theory
[ ] Hollow earth theory
[ ] Orbital mind control Frisbees
[ ] "Manos, the Hands of Fate"
[ ] New Age beliefs
[X] Professional wrestling
[ ] Protocols of the Elders of Zion
[ ] Pyramid power
[ ] Robot spy bees
[ ] Russian psychics
[ ] Sexually promiscuous space aliens
[ ] Squeaky Fromme
[ ] The location of Jimmy Hoffa
[ ] The nation of France
[ ] The veracity of any X-Files plot (see all of the above)
[ ] Other:
[ ] You discussed your sex life as if you knew what you were talking
[ ] You discussed someone else's sex life as if you knew what you were
talking about
[ ] You discussed genitals as if you had any to talk about
[ ] You do nothing but insult people
[ ] You do nothing but complain about people insulting people
[ ] You don't want to learn to fish, you just want a fish
[ ] You doubtlessly violated the Terms of Service of your ISP
[ ] You expressed your dislike of the RGMW Form Flame
[ ] yet quoted the whole thing
[ ] You failed to realize that
[ ] Blank Dave is a capricious bastard
[ ] RTM is a sex god
[ ] the North American phone billing system is not world-wide
[ ] You flamed a poor guy in distress trying to find some help
[ ] You flamed someone for [ ] spelling and/or [ ] grammatical errors while
committing [ ] spelling and/or [ ] grammatical errors yourself
[ ] You flamed someone who has been around far longer than you
[ ] You flamed someone who is far more intelligent and witty than you
[ ] and considering who you flamed, that's sad
[ ] You flirted with yourself
[ ] and were shot down
[ ] You folded, spindled, or otherwise mutilated the RGMW Form Flame
[ ] You forgot that this newsgroup is unmoderated
[ ] You have absolutely no knowledge of the topic of this newsgroup
[ ] You have absolutely no knowledge of the topic you are talking about
[ ] You have absolutely no knowledge
[ ] You haven't learned the difference between E-mail and newsgroups
[ ] You just dropped your post and asked to have all the replies sent to
your mailbox
[ ] You keep on reminiscing about the "good ole days"
[ ] You look like a member of Hanson
[ ] You are a member of Hanson
[ ] You made a blanket statement without backing it up
[ ] You made an "ASL?" post
[ ] You made an error and blamed someone else
[ ] You made outlandish and unverified claims regarding your
[ ] Dad's war record [ ] education
[ ] INTELLEGENCE [ ] martial art abilities
[ ] military record [ ] PROOF
[ ] record of wins and losses [ ] rectal temperature
[ ] SAT score
[ ] and the age at which you achieved said score
[ ] sexual conquests [ ] size
[ ] strength
[ ] Other:
[ ] You made up slang and then used it in a message
[ ] You mistook GW products as reflective of the real world
[ ] You mistook the real world as reflective of GW products
[ ] You neglected to do research on your chosen subject
[ ] You posted
[ ] a blank message with all the content in the subject line
[ ] and without a "N/T" tag
[ ] a blatantly obvious troll
[X] a cross-post
[ ] a demand for mandatory post tagging
[ ] a message ending in "now shut up"
[ ] and used 311t3 13tt3r1ng
[ ] and you misspelled it
[ ] a message riddled with profanities
[ ] calling for the non-usage of profanities
[X] a poor excuse for a Form Flame
[ ] a recruitment post for a religion
[ ] a reply consisting of nothing more than a repeat of 17 other
poster's advice, some 10 hours after the last reply
[ ] a request for
[ ] a dreadnought plasma cannon
[ ] a scanned codex/codices
[ ] an Army Builder crack
[ ] editing in a GW product
[ ] someone to make you an army list
[ ] someone to do your homework
[ ] a request for an article posted three times in the past week
[ ] a request to send business/get well cards to a little boy
with cancer trying to break a Guinness World Record
[ ] a stupid pyramid money making scheme and claimed it was
[ ] a stupid pyramid money making scheme and claimed IT WORKS
[ ] a "test" to RGMW, which when I last checked was not alt.test
[ ] a top-post
[ ] a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[ ] and used 311t3 13tt3rs
[ ] and misspelled it
[ ] about the "good old days" of the newsgroup
[ ] about tags
[ ] an "everyone is against me/my race/my religion/my country"
[ ] an inanely stupid
[ ] "$250 Cookie Recipe" article
[ ] "Buy 12 CDs for 1¢" article
[ ] "Cheap shit at high prices" article
[ ] eBay ad
[ ] "Fix Your Credit" article
[ ] "Get Free Miniatures" article
[ ] "Magic weight-loss" article
[ ] "Make Money Fast" article
[ ] Urban legend post
[ ] Virus warning
[ ] Other ad or scam:
[ ] an incredibly bigoted post
[ ] and didn't realize it
[ ] asking for/selling phone sex lines
[ ] asking for/selling porn sites
[ ] asking for/selling warez sites
[ ] asking for/giving away fR33/copied 5TuFf
[ ] binaries to this non-binary group
[ ] in pieces LESS than 5000 lines
[ ] in an obvious attempt to impress a female group member
[ ] in ElItE 13tt3rs, because you think that makes you k3wL
[ ] in HTML
[ ] in ALTERNATING caps
[ ] BECAUSE you have PROOF
[ ] low-IQ flamebait
[ ] pretending to be someone famous
[ ] the same message more than one time
[ ] the same message more than one time
[ ] the stupidest article of the week
[ ] or damn close to it
[ ] to the wrong group
[ ] using some crappy & buggy Microsoft program
[ ] what should have been emailed
[X] Yes
[ ] Most of the above
[ ] All of the above
[ ] Some of the above, not including All of the above
[ ] Other:
[ ] You pretended to be a guru, and obviously you aren't
[ ] You pretended to be sentient, and obviously you aren't
[ ] You questioned (below)'s stupidity
[ ] Anton Svärd [ ] Ancient Gamer
[ ] Avatar [ ] Big Al
[ ] Blackheart [ ] Blank Dave
[ ] Blue Raja [ ] Brad Hann
[ ] Captain Farrell [ ] Cheshire Cat
[ ] Craig Little [ ] Daniel Blakemore
[ ] Daniel Bond [ ] Donovan Borman
[ ] Fog [ ] hikaru
[ ] Insane Ranter [ ] Janet Quick
[ ] Jimi [ ] John Hwang
[ ] Justin Gaskins [ ] Keith Hann
[ ] Kellopyy [ ] Kurt
[ ] Maka [ ] Mario
[ ] Marshall Dragoo [ ] Mikael
[ ] Myrmidon [ ] Northy
[ ] Octavulg [ ] Old Bear
[ ] Peter Cowderoy [ ] Philip Bowles
[ ] Qrab [ ] Rafale
[ ] Rec.Games.Miniatures.Misc
[ ] Richard Lobinske [ ] Rob Fungsang
[ ] Rob Singers [ ] Rob Smeatham
[ ] Robert Williams [ ] RT Maitreya
[ ] Samuel Campbell [ ] smithdoerr
[ ] St. Jason [ ] SunDancer
[ ] Tobias Reinold [ ] Vampy
[ ] William Shatner
[ ] All of the above
[ ] Other:
[ ] You questioned my moral and/or intellectual superiority
[ ] You questioned (below)'s moral and/or intellectual superiority
[ ] Anton Svärd [ ] Ancient Gamer
[ ] Avatar [ ] Big Al
[ ] Blackheart [ ] Blank Dave
[ ] Blue Raja [ ] Brad Hann
[ ] Captain Farrell [ ] Cheshire Cat
[ ] Craig Little [ ] Daniel Blakemore
[ ] Daniel Bond [ ] Donovan Borman
[ ] Fog [ ] hikaru
[ ] Insane Ranter [ ] Janet Quick
[ ] Jimi [ ] John Hwang
[ ] Justin Gaskins [ ] Keith Hann
[ ] Kellopyy [ ] Kurt
[ ] Maka [ ] Mario
[ ] Marshall Dragoo [ ] Mikael
[ ] Myrmidon [ ] Northy
[ ] Octavulg [ ] Old Bear
[ ] Peter Cowderoy [ ] Philip Bowles
[ ] Qrab [ ] Rafale
[ ] Rec.Games.Miniatures.Misc
[ ] Richard Lobinske [ ] Rob Fungsang
[ ] Rob Singers [ ] Rob Smeatham
[ ] Robert Williams [ ] RT Maitreya
[ ] Samuel Campbell [ ] smithdoerr
[ ] St. Jason [ ] SunDancer
[ ] Tobias Reinold [ ] Vampy
[ ] William Shatner
[ ] All of the above
[ ] Other:
[ ] You questioned the veracity of an Old Bear Shatner quote
[ ] You quoted 120 lines of a thread and added 3 words or less...
[ ] and they were all misspelled
[ ] You redundantly covered the same point over and over
[ ] You redundantly covered the same point over and over
[ ] You reiterated one of the oldest arguments on RGMW
[ ] You repeatedly assumed that
[ ] Shim has a gender
[ ] your Form Flame was larger
[ ] Blank Dave couldn't build a bigger Form Flame
[ ] You repeatedly assumed unwarranted moral or intellectual superiority
[ ] You repeatedly demonstrated your stupidity
[ ] You repeatedly harassed people with androgynous names like Chris,
Jamie, Jean, or Rajhatmalhaban, with "Are you a girl?" or "M/F?"
[ ] You repeatedly have shown a lack of humour
[ ] You repeatedly initiated incoherent, flaky, and mindless threads
[ ] that I didn't find entertaining
[ ] You repeatedly posted to the same thread that you just posted to
[ ] You responded to _every post_ on the group today
[ ] You said "me too" to something
[ ] As above, except you said "me to," "me two," or "me 2"
[ ] You shamed us all with your "take no prisoners" attitude
[ ] You spelled 'definitely' wrong (why does _everybody_ do that?)
[ ] You started a campaign to rid the newsgroup of all off-topic threads
[ ] You started a long, stupid thread
[ ] that I didn't find entertaining
[ ] You started a thread about religion
[ ] that I didn't find entertaining
[ ] You started a thread about sexuality
[ ] that I didn't find entertaining
[ ] You started some other off-topic thread
[ ] that I didn't find entertaining
[ ] You stated multiple times you were leaving a thread, yet
always returned to post again
[ ] You suck
[ ] You tried to blame others for your stupidity
[ ] You tried to impose your religious beliefs on others
[ ] You used long lines, i.e. you didn't break up your lines after
60-70 characters, thereby making it hard to quote your post
[ ] You used the phrase "Information Superhighway"
[ ] You want it, whatever you wanted, ASAP (of course)
[ ] Your .sig file exceeds your attention span
[ ] and you don't even have a .sig
[ ] Your .sig/alias/server sucks
[ ] Your .sig sucks because
[ ] You listed
[ ] snail mail address(es)
[ ] phone numbers for people to use in prank calls
[ ] You included
[ ] a stupid disclaimer
[ ] Your pathetic attempt at being witty in the
disclaimer failed
[ ] Miserably
[ ] A stupid self-quote
[ ] A warning stating that you don't speak for your employer
[ ] Lame ASCII graphic(s) of (Choose all that apply)
[ ] Amiga logo
[ ] Australia
[ ] Bicycle
[ ] Bart Simpson
[ ] Company logo
[ ] USS Enterprise
[ ] more than 4 lines long
[ ] Other:
[ ] Your killfile is leaky
[ ] Your training pants are leaky
[ ] Your mother dresses you funny
[ ] Your spelling and/or grammar is reflective of an illiterate
[ ] Most of the above
[ ] All of the above
[ ] Some of the above, not including All of the above
[ ] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally
worthless that you are being flamed anyway
[ ] Other:

To Repent, You Must:
[ ] Abstain from sex for a month (shouldn't be too hard for you)
[ ] Actually post something relevant
[ ] Adopt a "take no prisoners" attitude to posting and killfile yourself
[ ] Allow boring and useless threads to die
[X] Allow me to rip off your arm and beat you to death with it
[ ] Ask Jesus if you need more insurance
[ ] Appear on Jerry Springer
[X] Attempt to outwank Old Bear at 10 paces
[ ] Attempt to win this year's Darwin Award
[ ] Be Alec's personal "Little Love Monkey" for a [ ] week [ ] month
[ ] year [ ] the rest of your natural life
[ ] Be Michael Jackson's love slave for a [ ] week [ ] month
[ ] year [ ] the rest of your natural life
[X] Be careful of where you are cross posting to
[ ] Be the guest of honour in alt.flame for a month
[ ] Begin taking prisoners
[ ] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it
[ ] Consider that others may know more about certain subjects than you
[ ] Consider that just about everybody may know more about just about
everything than you
[ ] Cut your balls off
[ ] Cut your balls off and mail them to
[ ] Big Al
[ ] Justin Gaskins
[ ] one to each
[ ] Cut your breasts off and mail them to me
[ ] Deep-throat my dog
[ ] Deep-throat BAZ!
[ ] Deep-throat Cheshire Cat
[ ] Deep-throat ROB, and bite it off
[ ] Donate your body to science before you are done using it
[ ] Drop and give Captain Farrell 50
[ ] Eat the dingle berries encrusted upon Alec's body
[ ] Exercise some humility
[ ] Exercise a great deal of humility
[ ] Familiarize yourself with the concept of:
[ ] being RGMW Newsgroup Moron for a long time
[ ] being physically abused
[ ] caution [ ] common courtesy
[ ] getting flamed for the rest of your life
[ ] higher brain functions
[ ] patience [ ] succinctness
[ ] tolerance [ ] vocabulary
[ ] Other:
[ ] Familiarize yourself with the history of RGMW
[ ] Familiarize yourself with the history of the Internet
[ ] Find out if arsenic really "Tastes Great" or is "Less Filling"
[ ] Find out who Saint Jason is
[ ] Fish for a clue in shark-infested waters
[ ] Get a job
[ ] No, a _real_ job
[ ] Working at McDonald's is not a real job...
[ ] Get a lap dance from Northy
[ ] Get an appointment with Dr. Kevorkian
[ ] Get Blackheart to tell you how he really feels about you
[ ] Get John Hwang to loose his cool
[ ] Get me
[ ] a Beer [ ] Black Coffee
[ ] a Bottle of Vodka [ ] a Bowl of Jell-O
[ ] a Cigar [ ] a Cigarette
[ ] Some Clarnico mints [ ] a Cola
[ ] Guinness Draught [ ] Guinness Stout
[ ] Guinness Extra Stout [ ] MORE GUINNESS!
[ ] a Hamburger [ ] a Happy Meal
[ ] a Hollow Cat [ ] a Hot Dog
[ ] a Kebab Tray and Chips
[ ] Mike McVey's Head On a Stick
[ ] a Nubile Buxomly Virgin Goddess Covered in
the Lightest of Olive Oils
[ ] a Pizza [ ] a Rum &
[ ] a Salad [ ] a Sandwich
[ ] Some Cold Soapy Frogs [ ] Some Food For BAZ!
[ ] Some More Food For BAZ! [ ] Some Penguins
[ ] Some Prune Juice [ ] Some Stuffed Grape Leaves
[ ] Some Wet Stuff (TM) [ ] Some Whipped Cream
[ ] Some Whipped Cream And a Box of Big Feather Dusters
[ ] a Taco [ ] a Teletubbie
[ ] Three Live Chickens and a Tub of Cocoa Butter
And Send It To My Room
[ ] a Walrus [ ] a Whore
[ ] Yet More Food For BAZ!
[ ] Other:
[ ] Get over it
[ ] Give up all your worldly possessions and become a Tibetan monk
[ ] Give up your Internet/Usenet access
[ ] Give your computer to charity
[ ] Give your internal organs to charity
[ ] Give your internal organs to charity before you're done with them
[ ] Go see the therapist you fired three months ago
[ ] Go get a lighter and check if there's petrol in the car
[ ] Go see:
[ ] Big Al
[ ] Justin Gaskins
[ ] Old Bear
[ ] in immediate succession
[ ] Go to
[ ] http://www.amishrakefight.org/gfy/
[ ] http://www.goatse.cx
[ ] Go to the top of a building and attempt to defy gravity
[ ] Go to the White House and attempt to kill:
[ ] The President [ ] His wife
[ ] His pet [ ] The First Intern
[ ] Other:
[ ] Hang yourself by the big toe for 72 hours
[ ] Have Alma Madsol point out where playing Warhammer will give
you AIDS in the Bible
[ ] Insert all your miniatures into your rectum
[ ] Do as above, but then drink 3 bottles of Castrol Super Clean in an
effort to strip said miniatures
[ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor
[ ] Lead by example
[ ] Learn to count above 10 with your boots on
[ ] Learn to count above 5 with your boots on
[ ] Learn to pee straight
[ ] Learn to pee
[ ] Learn to use Google
[ ] Learn to use the 'kill' command to eliminate erroneous posts
[ ] Learn to walk only with your rear paws
[ ] Lick an exposed, live wire
[ ] Lick Big Al's/Justin Gaskin's exposed live wire
[ ] Let Big Al/Justin Gaskin's lick your exposed live wire
[ ] Find BAZ!'s live wire (it's been lost under all that flab)
[ ] Lurk without posting for a few days to learn the forum of a group
[ ] Lurk for the rest of your natural life
[ ] Make Jimi kick you off his mailing lists
[ ] Manage to make (below) physically ill with a bit of innuendo
[ ] Anton Svärd [ ] Ancient Gamer
[ ] Avatar [ ] Big Al
[ ] Blackheart [ ] Blank Dave
[ ] Blue Raja [ ] Brad Hann
[ ] Captain Farrell [ ] Cheshire Cat
[ ] Craig Little [ ] Daniel Blakemore
[ ] Daniel Bond [ ] Donovan Borman
[ ] Fog [ ] hikaru
[ ] Insane Ranter [ ] Janet Quick
[ ] Jimi [ ] John Hwang
[ ] Justin Gaskins [ ] Keith Hann
[ ] Kellopyy [ ] Kurt
[ ] Maka [ ] Mario
[ ] Marshall Dragoo [ ] Mikael
[ ] Myrmidon [ ] Northy
[ ] Octavulg [ ] Old Bear
[ ] Peter Cowderoy [ ] Philip Bowles
[ ] Qrab [ ] Rafale
[ ] Rec.Games.Miniatures.Misc
[ ] Richard Lobinske [ ] Rob Fungsang
[ ] Rob Singers [ ] Rob Smeatham
[ ] Robert Williams [ ] RT Maitreya
[ ] Samuel Campbell [ ] smithdoerr
[ ] St. Jason [ ] SunDancer
[ ] Tobias Reinold [ ] Vampy
[ ] William Shatner
[ ] All of the above
[ ] Other:
[ ] Melt down all your figures and then take a bath in the resulting
[ ] Nail Shim for a [ ] week [ ] month [ ] year [ ] the rest of your
natural life
[ ] No longer contribute to this newsgroup
[ ] No longer contribute to any newsgroup
[ ] No longer contribute to the gene pool
[ ] Don't attempt to evolve to the point where you *could* contribute to
the gene pool
[ ] Not bother getting a new account when this one is pulled
[ ] Not take yourself so damn seriously!
[ ] Out-eat BAZ!
[ ] Pack your computer and send it to me
[ ] Play "Don't Touch My Plunger" with Big Al/Justin Gaskins for a
[ ] week [ ] month [ ] year [ ] the rest of your natural life
[ ] Poke your eye out with a stick
[ ] Poke your eye in with a stick
[ ] Post only to
[ ] alt.dev.null
[ ] alt.religion.wicca
[ ] the GW message boards
[ ] Quit bitching and moaning about not being included in the RGMW
Form Flame
[ ] Quit putting the moves on your Dark Eldar Wyches
[ ] Quit putting the moves on your Ultrasmurfs
[ ] Quit putting the moves on your Escher Gangers
[ ] Read EVERY message in alt.religion.scientology TWICE
[X] Read every newsgroup you posted to for a week
[ ] Read the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) list for the group
[ ] At least read the weekly FAQ!
[X] Recall that there are other users on the net
[ ] and some of them aren't even Americans
[ ] Re-install what ever failed mental operating system you are
currently running
[ ] Relinquish your right to procreate
[ ] Remember that not all news readers are threaded
[ ] Remember that the Internet is multinational
[ ] Remove yourself from our presence
[ ] See a doctor about removing your head from your arse
[ ] See a doctor about removing your head from GW's arse
[ ] See how far your tongue will fit into the electric outlet
[ ] Selectively respond to threads after reading all new messages in
that thread
[ ] Send (below) all of your miniatures, terrain and books
[ ] Anton Svärd [ ] Ancient Gamer
[ ] Avatar [ ] Big Al
[ ] Blackheart [ ] Blank Dave
[ ] Blue Raja [ ] Brad Hann
[ ] Captain Farrell [ ] Cheshire Cat
[ ] Craig Little [ ] Daniel Blakemore
[ ] Daniel Bond [ ] Donovan Borman
[ ] Fog [ ] hikaru
[ ] Insane Ranter [ ] Janet Quick
[ ] Jimi [ ] John Hwang
[ ] Justin Gaskins [ ] Keith Hann
[ ] Kellopyy [ ] Kurt
[ ] Maka [ ] Mario
[ ] Marshall Dragoo [ ] Mikael
[ ] Myrmidon [ ] Northy
[ ] Octavulg [ ] Old Bear
[ ] Peter Cowderoy [ ] Philip Bowles
[ ] Qrab [ ] Rafale
[ ] Rec.Games.Miniatures.Misc
[ ] Richard Lobinske [ ] Rob Fungsang
[ ] Rob Singers [ ] Rob Smeatham
[ ] Robert Williams [ ] RT Maitreya
[ ] Samuel Campbell [ ] smithdoerr
[ ] St. Jason [ ] SunDancer
[ ] Tobias Reinold [ ] Vampy
[ ] William Shatner
[ ] All of the above
[ ] Other:
[ ] Serve as the "Choose Abortion!" poster child
[ ] Slam your fingers in a desk drawer repeatedly
[ ] Slam your genitals in a desk drawer repeatedly
[ ] Smoke less of what you are smoking
[ ] Spam the same news groups with your home address and phone number
[ ] Stop a .50 machine gun round with your prostate
[ ] Stop masturbating for a [ ] week [ ] month [ ] year [ ] the rest of
your natural life
[ ] Stop molesting corpses and/or livestock
[ ] Stop allowing yourself to be molested by corpses and/or livestock
[ ] Start molesting corpses and/or livestock (you obviously need an outlet
for all that pent up sexual frustration, and livestock provides the
least likely avenue of reproduction)
[ ] Stop molesting your nephews
[ ] Stop allowing Unca Alec to molest you
[ ] Stop molesting Cheshire Cat
[ ] Start molesting Cheshire Cat
[ ] Stop molesting Whoopi Goldberg
[ ] Start molesting Whoopi Goldberg
[ ] Stop reading news and get a life
[ ] Stop sending news and get a life
[ ] Stop volunteering for Armed Forces pharmaceutical experiments
[ ] Start volunteering for Armed Forces pharmaceutical experiments
[ ] Subscribe to every GW periodical and not complain about their contents
or lack thereof
[ ] Successfully flame
[ ] Anton Svärd [ ] Ancient Gamer
[ ] Avatar [ ] Big Al
[ ] Blackheart [ ] Blank Dave
[ ] Blue Raja [ ] Brad Hann
[ ] Captain Farrell [ ] Cheshire Cat
[ ] Craig Little [ ] Daniel Blakemore
[ ] Daniel Bond [ ] Donovan Borman
[ ] Fog [ ] hikaru
[ ] Insane Ranter [ ] Janet Quick
[ ] Jimi [ ] John Hwang
[ ] Justin Gaskins [ ] Keith Hann
[ ] Kellopyy [ ] Kurt
[ ] Maka [ ] Mario
[ ] Marshall Dragoo [ ] Mikael
[ ] Myrmidon [ ] Northy
[ ] Octavulg [ ] Old Bear
[ ] Peter Cowderoy [ ] Philip Bowles
[ ] Qrab [ ] Rafale
[ ] Rec.Games.Miniatures.Misc
[ ] Richard Lobinske [ ] Rob Fungsang
[ ] Rob Singers [ ] Rob Smeatham
[ ] Robert Williams [ ] RT Maitreya
[ ] Samuel Campbell [ ] smithdoerr
[ ] St. Jason [ ] SunDancer
[ ] Tobias Reinold [ ] Vampy
[ ] William Shatner
[ ] All of the above
[ ] Other:
[ ] Take a ride on Big Al/Justin Gaskin's Baloney Pony Express
[ ] Tattoo the word "asexual" onto your member
[ ] Tell Northy he needs a bra
[X] Touch Northy's he-hooters
[ ] Try to put a bra over North's he-hooters
[ ] Tell Cheshire Cat how lame Grey Knights are
[ ] Tell your Mommy you've been a bad boy
[ ] Tell Unca Alec you've been a bad boy
[ ] Try to bite your ear
[ ] Try to bite your nose
[ ] Verify the effect of gravity by jumping from the nearest bridge
[ ] Visit a militant lesbian bar and attempt to pick up the "chics"
[ ] Voluntarily apologize in a brief post
[ ] Voluntarily break down into tears and apologize in a brief post; then
we'll put you out of your misery
[X] Volunteer to be the target at a Spooge Cannon test
[X] Vote for smithdoerr
[ ] Wait at least two hours before responding to another post
[ ] Look into the possibility of (below) for the above problems
[ ] 9mm Migraine [ ] Brain surgery
[ ] Castration [ ] Chemical castration
[ ] Castration with two bricks
[ ] Castration by a Singapore whore
[ ] Castration by dull axe
[ ] Castration by Big Al/Justin Gaskins
[ ] Castration by other:
[ ] Electroshock therapy [ ] Enema
[ ] Head swap operation with a Chihuahua
[ ] Intensive negative reinforcement
[ ] Medication [ ] Prefrontal lobotomy
[ ] Psychotherapy [ ] Rectal electrocution
[ ] Sever head injury(ies) [ ] Sever tire damage
[ ] Total lobotomy [ ] Vaseline
[ ] Other:
[ ] Most of the above
[ ] All of the above
[ ] Some of the above, not including All of the above
[ ] Other:

In Closing, I'd Like to Say:
[ ] A miniature is better hung than you
[X] A pig painted gold is still a pig
[ ] Age 10 more years before you post again
[ ] Alec told me to tell you that if you want to be his bitch you have to
be broken-in first -- he doesn't want you bleeding all over him
[ ] alt.test, fucko!
[ ] BAZ! is going to eat you
[ ] BAZ! is going to sit on you
[ ] Backpedal! (c) Daniel Blakemore
[ ] Being raped by a branding iron is too good for you
[ ] Being raped by the following is too good for you
[ ] rabid BAZ!/Big Al/Justin Gaskins/Northy on steroids and Viagra
[ ] rabid gorilla on steroids and Viagra
[ ] rabid Rabid on steroids and Viagra
[ ] Both hands on the keyboard, Sparky
[ ] Burn in hell
[ ] Crawl back into the anus of the goat you slipped from, as you
obviously left your brain in there.
[ ] Don't do it ever again
[ ] Do it again and I'll axe you to death
[ ] Do it again and I'll chop off your fingers, gnaw your skull and
dance naked on your sticky bones
[ ] Do it again and I'll rip out your eyeballs and use the optic nerve
for dental floss
[ ] Do us all a favour and crawl into some industrial machinery
[ ] Even the Scientologists won't take you
[ ] Even GW won't let you buy its products
[ ] Fuck off and die
[ ] Games Workshop's rules make more logical sense than you do
[X] Germans love David Hasselhoff
[ ] Get a life
[X] Gggg----nnnnnuuurrppphhh!!!! (c) Old Bear
[ ] Go AOL!! (c) Joe "Meridian" Schulte
[ ] Here is 5p. Get a clue.
[ ] If brains were taxed, you'd get a rebate
[ ] If I gave you a penny for your thoughts, I'd get change
[ ] If I stand close enough to you, I can hear the ocean
[ ] If ignorance were cornflakes, you'd be General Mills
[ ] If you were any more stupid, you'd have to be watered twice a week
[ ] I pity your dog
[ ] It's hard to believe that you beat out 1,000,000 other sperm
[ ] Krikey!
[ ] Look up the word, "asexual"
[ ] NARP
[ ] Nature abhors a vacuum: how it tolerates your head is a good question
[ ] Never post again
[ ] No, you cannot have a Green Hat
[ ] No, you cannot join the supa-seekrit mailing list
[ ] No, you are not a regular
[ ] No, you are not regular
[ ] Plonk
[ ] Poof
[ ] RTFM
[ ] Silly rabbit: Trix are for kids
[ ] Some drink from the fountain of knowledge; you only gargled
[ ] Stop peeing in the gene pool
[ ] Take your shit somewhere else
[ ] Talk shears no sheep
[ ] The gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming
[ ] There's the bell, little girl: recess is over
[ ] The wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead
[X] TIMO!!!!!!
[ ] Vote for smithdoerr
[ ] What you posted was so stupid you will be killfiled
[ ] What you posted was so stupid you will be flagged so I can laugh at
you in the future
[ ] When you open your mouth, it seems that this is only to change
whichever foot was previously in there
[ ] Where's my
[ ] a Beer [ ] Black Coffee
[ ] a Bottle of Vodka [ ] a Bowl of Jell-O
[ ] a Cigar [ ] a Cigarette
[ ] Some Clarnico mints [ ] a Cola
[ ] Guinness Draught [ ] Guinness Stout
[ ] Guinness Extra Stout [ ] MORE GUINNESS!
[ ] a Hamburger [ ] a Happy Meal
[ ] a Hollow Cat [ ] a Hot Dog
[ ] a Kebab Tray and Chips
[ ] Mike McVey's Head On a Stick
[ ] a Nubile Buxomly Virgin Goddess Covered in
the Lightest of Olive Oils
[ ] a Pizza [ ] a Rum &
[ ] a Salad [ ] a Sandwich
[ ] Some Cold Soapy Frogs [ ] Some Food For BAZ!
[ ] Some More Food For BAZ! [ ] Some Penguins
[ ] Some Prune Juice [ ] Some Stuffed Grape Leaves
[ ] Some Wet Stuff (TM) [ ] Some Whipped Cream
[ ] Some Whipped Cream And a Box of Big Feather Dusters
[ ] a Taco [ ] a Teletubbie
[ ] Three Live Chickens and a Tub of Cocoa Butter
And Send It To My Room
[ ] a Walrus [ ] a Whore
[ ] Yet More Food For BAZ!
[ ] Other:
[ ] With that few teeth, it's a wonder you haven't won the lottery yet
[ ] Yer momma's so fat/stupid/ugly that etc...
[ ] You are a few sandwiches short of a picnic
[ ] You are a gross ignoramus: 144 times worse than an ordinary ignoramus
[ ] You are bright as Alaska in December
[ ] You are depriving a village somewhere of an idiot
[ ] You are going to be on a lot of lists; they're called
[ ] Endangered species [ ] Hit lists
[ ] Killfiles [ ] Known species of
[ ] Known forms of STDs [ ] Wanted lists for the GNL Gestapo
[ ] Other:
[ ] You are not the sharpest knife in the drawer
[ ] You are one neuron short of a synapse
[ ] You are possibly the most annoying person currently alive
[ ] You are really not so much of a has-been as you are a definitely-
[ ] You are so clueless that I didn't even bother filling in this form
[ ] You are so dense, light bends around you
[X] You are so worthless as to not even deserve a Form Flame, but
someone has to test new versions
[ ] You are the reason why abortions are legal
[ ] You are the reason some groups are moderated
[ ] You fell out of the family tree
[ ] You got into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasn't watching
[ ] You have a full 6-pack, but lack the plastic thingy to hold it all
[ ] You have a photographic memory, but with the lens cover is glued on
[ ] You have delusions of adequacy
[ ] You have reached rock bottom, and show signs of starting to dig
[ ] You have two brains: one is lost and the other is out looking for it
[ ] You make Alec/Chaplain-X/ROBCPW1/etc. look like a genius
[ ] You must have spent your entire life in a box to be this clueless
[ ] You are probably not smart enough to find your way out of the box
[ ] You obviously have a very small penis (if any)
[ ] If you can find said penis, bite it off
[ ] You prove that if you broke a body down to its basic components, it
would be worth $1.82
[ ] (Canadian)
[ ] You remind me very much of a gyroscope - always spinning around at
a frantic pace, but not really going anywhere at all
[ ] You set low personal standards and then consistently fail to
achieve them
[ ] You should go far - and the sooner you start, the better
[ ] You smell of elderberries
[ ] You were left on the Tilt-A-Whirl a bit too long as a baby
[ ] You work in GW's Marketing Department, don't you?
[ ] You would be out of your depth in a car park/parking lot puddle
[ ] Your IQ does not exceed
[ ] a one-celled organism's
[ ] your rectal temperature (in Celsius)
[ ] your shoe size
[ ] Absolute Zero
[ ] Erik Setzer's
[ ] Your mere existence is a convincing argument for eugenics
[ ] Your mother cleans the teeth of the people who suck cocks in Hell
[ ] Your mother wears army boots
[ ] Most of the above
[ ] All of the above
[ ] Some of the above, not including All of the above
[ ] Other:

Please save this message and review it occasionally to determine your
progress toward being:

[ ] A useful member of Internet society
[ ] A less annoying member of Internet society
[ ] A human being
[ ] A fully-functional human being
[ ] A member of the animal kingdom
[ ] A pathetic, worthless excuse for a complete and utter moron
[ ] A prime candidate for natural de-selection
[ ] A tolerable poster
[ ] A vertebrate
[ ] A viable member of the RGMW community
[ ] BAZ! food
[ ] Biological matter
[ ] Integrated into humanity
[ ] Not Erik Setzer
[X] Re-integrated into the wild
[ ] Some form of plant life
[ ] Worthy of converting O2 to CO2
[ ] Other:

Thank you for the time you have taken to read this, and please desist
from the offending behaviour that led to this flame. Also, FUCK OFF!

**end flame**end flame**end flame**

Copyright 2003 Blank Dave et all
Chris Remo
2003-11-02 09:47:19 UTC

[snipped a whole load of crap]

It's almost frightening how many memories that brought back...
2003-11-02 14:27:47 UTC
Post by Gr8-Scott
Post by Gr8-Scott

Wow, someone spent a lot of time producing that. It's quite immense
Chris Remo
2003-11-02 23:11:14 UTC
"Gr8-Scott" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:bo34am$2r9$***@newsg2.svr.pol.co.uk...
Post by Gr8-Scott
Post by Gr8-Scott
Post by Gr8-Scott
Wow, someone spent a lot of time producing that. It's quite immense
It's had an extraordinarily long evolution.
2003-11-01 19:54:15 UTC
Post by Gr8-Scott
) ( ( (
( ( ( ()( /---\ (()( (
| | / / () )) )) .( ( ( ) ). ( !! )( !! ) (( )) ..
| |_< / ( ) ( ( ) ) (( ) )).) ((/ | ( | \( )) ((. ).
[ ] Clueless Newbie [ ] Luser [ ] Snerd
[ ] AOLer/Euronetter/PIer [ ] Advertiser [ ] Gub-gub
[ ] Me too-er [ ] Pervert [ ] Geek
[ ] Spammer [ ] Nerd [ ] Elvis
[ ] Fed [ ] Freak [ ] FLAMENET
[X] Top-poster [ ] Unbearably self-righteous person
[ ] You posted a "test" in a newsgroup other than alt.test/nl.test
[ ] You posted warez in pieces LESS than 5000 lines
[ ] You posted a binary in a non-binaries group
[X] You quoted an ENTIRE post in your reply
[ ] You continued a long, stupid thread
[ ] You started an off-topic thread
[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[ ] You said "me too" to something
[ ] You don't know which group to post in
[ ] You suck
[ ] You don't properly read the posts you reply to
[ ] You brag about things that never happened
[ ] Your sig/alias/server sucks
[ ] You posted a (phone-sex) ad
[ ] You posted something totally uninteresting
[ ] You crossposted
[ ] You posted garbage
[ ] You posted commercial advertisements
[ ] You posted a message all written in CAPS
[ ] You posted racism shit
[ ] I don't like your tone of voice
[ ] I think you might be a member of CO$
[ ] I think you might be a fed
[X] You simultaneous both top- and bottom-posted
[ ] Give up your AOL/Euronet/Planet Internet account
[X] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it
[ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor
[ ] Actually post something relevant
[ ] Read the f****** FAQ
[ ] Be the guest of honor in alt.flame for a month
[ ] Apologize to everybody in this newsgroup
[ ] Post your tests to alt.test/nl.test
[ ] Get a life
[ ] Never post again
[X] I pity your dog
[ ] Go to hell
[ ] Pass 'Reading and Comprehension 101' before you post again
[ ] I think your IQ must be 7
[ ] Take your s*** somewhere else
[ ] Learn to post or f*** off
[ ] Do us all a favor and jump into some industrial equipment
[ ] See how far your tongue will fit into the electric outlet
[ ] All of the above
End of Flame.
Have a nice day,
- The REAL Gr8-Scott
2003-11-01 21:32:13 UTC
Post by dojj
Post by dojj
Post by Gr8-Scott
Post by dojj
Post by Gr8-Scott
) ( ( (
( ( ( ()( /---\ (()( (
| | / / () )) )) .( ( ( ) ). ( !! )( !! ) (( )) ..
| |_< / ( ) ( ( ) ) (( ) )).) ((/ | ( | \( )) ((. ).
Post by dojj
Post by Gr8-Scott
[ ] Clueless Newbie [ ] Luser [ ] Snerd
[ ] AOLer/Euronetter/PIer [ ] Advertiser [ ] Gub-gub
[ ] Me too-er [ ] Pervert [ ] Geek
[ ] Spammer [ ] Nerd [ ] Elvis
[ ] Fed [ ] Freak [ ] FLAMENET
[X] Top-poster [ ] Unbearably self-righteous person
[ ] You posted a "test" in a newsgroup other than alt.test/nl.test
[ ] You posted warez in pieces LESS than 5000 lines
[ ] You posted a binary in a non-binaries group
[X] You quoted an ENTIRE post in your reply
[ ] You continued a long, stupid thread
[ ] You started an off-topic thread
[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[ ] You said "me too" to something
[ ] You don't know which group to post in
[ ] You suck
[ ] You don't properly read the posts you reply to
[ ] You brag about things that never happened
[ ] Your sig/alias/server sucks
[ ] You posted a (phone-sex) ad
[ ] You posted something totally uninteresting
[ ] You crossposted
[ ] You posted garbage
[ ] You posted commercial advertisements
[ ] You posted a message all written in CAPS
[ ] You posted racism shit
[ ] I don't like your tone of voice
[ ] I think you might be a member of CO$
[ ] I think you might be a fed
[X] You simultaneous both top- and bottom-posted
[ ] Give up your AOL/Euronet/Planet Internet account
[X] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it
[ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor
[ ] Actually post something relevant
[ ] Read the f****** FAQ
[ ] Be the guest of honor in alt.flame for a month
[ ] Apologize to everybody in this newsgroup
[ ] Post your tests to alt.test/nl.test
[ ] Get a life
[ ] Never post again
[X] I pity your dog
[ ] Go to hell
[ ] Pass 'Reading and Comprehension 101' before you post again
[ ] I think your IQ must be 7
[ ] Take your s*** somewhere else
[ ] Learn to post or f*** off
[ ] Do us all a favor and jump into some industrial equipment
[ ] See how far your tongue will fit into the electric outlet
[ ] All of the above
End of Flame.
Have a nice day,
Post by dojj
Post by Gr8-Scott
- The REAL Gr8-Scott
2003-11-02 23:40:53 UTC
On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 16:56:44 -0000, "Gr8-Scott" <***@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hey, can we use this form on others 8^))

K ~ or is there copyright...??? hehehe
Robert Singers
2003-11-03 00:06:06 UTC
Out from under a rock popped Kristine and said
Post by Kristine
On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 16:56:44 -0000, "Gr8-Scott"
Hey, can we use this form on others 8^))
K ~ or is there copyright...??? hehehe
It wouldn't make sense anywhere else you muppet.
2003-11-03 21:10:37 UTC
Post by Robert Singers
Out from under a rock popped Kristine and said
Post by Kristine
On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 16:56:44 -0000, "Gr8-Scott"
Hey, can we use this form on others 8^))
K ~ or is there copyright...??? hehehe
It wouldn't make sense anywhere else you muppet.
The one I posted (took from another newsgroup and sent around) would.
Obviously, the Warhammer one wouldn't...
