(too old to reply)
Colonel Edmund J. Burke
2004-05-22 18:37:44 UTC
In the April 23rd issue of British scientific journal Lancet, Rita
Slopewin, contributing research author and professor of sociology at
Oxford University, unveiled startling news concerning the dramatic
rise of homosexuality among Britishers since 1720. According to
professor Slopewin, who has conducted her study for the past five
years, more than 50% of English males are homosexual or considering
becoming homosexual.

"The startling rise in homosexuality is surprising," Dr. Slopewin
asserts, "and it's [homosexuality] is particularly evident among young
males in the 14 to 24 year age group."

Although Slopewin cannot explain this homosexual tidalwave sweeping
the country, she has noticed that British women have become alarmed.
"I have been unable to find any decent sort of fellow," says one
discouraged twenty year old woman living in London who wishes to
remain anonymous. "Men aren't interested except in other men."

"On a sunnier note," says Slopewin, "the phenomenon may well serve to
degrade current population to a more acceptable level."

Of interest: http://community-2.webtv.net/colonel_edmund_j_burke/WhatALoser

2004-05-23 17:16:42 UTC
And are YOU surfing on this tidal wave, Big Boy? You never thought
you'd like drowning this much, did you Precious? Is 14 your surfboard
or Godpaddywacker?

Post by Colonel Edmund J. Burke
In the April 23rd issue of British scientific journal Lancet, Rita
Slopewin, contributing research author and professor of sociology at
Oxford University, unveiled startling news concerning the dramatic
rise of homosexuality among Britishers since 1720. According to
professor Slopewin, who has conducted her study for the past five
years, more than 50% of English males are homosexual or considering
becoming homosexual.
"The startling rise in homosexuality is surprising," Dr. Slopewin
asserts, "and it's [homosexuality] is particularly evident among young
males in the 14 to 24 year age group."
Although Slopewin cannot explain this homosexual tidalwave sweeping
the country, she has noticed that British women have become alarmed.
"I have been unable to find any decent sort of fellow," says one
discouraged twenty year old woman living in London who wishes to
remain anonymous. "Men aren't interested except in other men."
"On a sunnier note," says Slopewin, "the phenomenon may well serve to
degrade current population to a more acceptable level."
Of interest: http://community-2.webtv.net/colonel_edmund_j_burke/WhatALoser
2004-05-24 18:39:38 UTC
Post by asspanda
And are YOU surfing on this tidal wave, Big Boy? You never thought
you'd like drowning this much, did you Precious? Is 14 your surfboard
or Godpaddywacker?
you just dont get it do you asspansy, the fag jesus is dead, god had
him killed because...


My bet is you're next.
2004-05-24 22:59:00 UTC
Oh Bluskie, you are so sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shocking! Go back to your homo skin mags.

Post by bluskie
Post by asspanda
And are YOU surfing on this tidal wave, Big Boy? You never thought
you'd like drowning this much, did you Precious? Is 14 your surfboard
or Godpaddywacker?
you just dont get it do you asspansy, the fag jesus is dead, god had
him killed because...
My bet is you're next.