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Fat Harris
2003-07-18 10:03:55 UTC
What happened to the blog? You aint given up already have ya?
Fat Harris
Do Not Cry
ICQ: 73977037
2003-07-18 21:17:10 UTC
Post by Fat Harris
What happened to the blog? You aint given up already have ya?
good eve sir!
good question, partly waiting to see what happened with the x-post
and mostly because i've spent all week dragging a very poorly
nt server back to life. it developed alzheimers when the cpu hit 120ish
it was quite sad to watch - late nite surgery ensued (much cooler then
and then i've begged exchange server to recover their un-backed up
(take notes here kids) vital e-mail and contacts data
i've ended up restoring a 2 month old version that i took
and now need a copy of ontrack powercontrols but it costs £650 and it will
be used once. any ideas - i've googled it to death with little success
any way part answer part rambling blog thing total nonsense probably

i should drink some more beer that will make thing much more coherent...


ickle (please note CAPITILISATION) o'sheep

