Homosexuality is just legalised perversion
(too old to reply)
2004-06-24 20:14:00 UTC
Anal sex is the affective way to spread a sexually transmitted disease
RamRod Sword of Baal
2004-06-24 20:51:47 UTC
Post by Sir.Tony
Anal sex is the affective way to spread a sexually transmitted disease
As is vaginal sex., as been proved for thousands of years.
2004-06-24 21:08:11 UTC
Post by RamRod Sword of Baal
Post by Sir.Tony
Anal sex is the affective way to spread a sexually transmitted disease
As is vaginal sex., as been proved for thousands of years.
Vaginal sex with the same woman for life, has no risk of any STD.
RamRod Sword of Baal
2004-06-24 22:07:48 UTC
Post by Sir.Tony
Post by RamRod Sword of Baal
Post by Sir.Tony
Anal sex is the affective way to spread a sexually transmitted disease
As is vaginal sex., as been proved for thousands of years.
Vaginal sex with the same woman for life, has no risk of any STD.
As longs as one of you does not stray........

But there the same goes for two guys, anal sex is no risk as long as it is
with the same guy in a one to one relationship.
2004-06-25 10:13:52 UTC
Post by RamRod Sword of Baal
Post by Sir.Tony
Post by RamRod Sword of Baal
Post by Sir.Tony
Anal sex is the affective way to spread a sexually transmitted disease
As is vaginal sex., as been proved for thousands of years.
Vaginal sex with the same woman for life, has no risk of any STD.
As longs as one of you does not stray........
But there the same goes for two guys, anal sex is no risk as long as it is
with the same guy in a one to one relationship.
and you have proof of this
2004-06-26 14:25:58 UTC
"RamRod Sword of Baal"the same goes for two guys, anal sex is no risk as
long as it is with the same guy in a one to one relationship.
That is a LIE. Semen inside the intestinal tract mixed with feces and
bacteria creates a fermenting disease sauce. Later when you are licking your
friends asshole and sucking down the shit-smegma sauce, it can cause illness
to you. But the main source of the transmission of the STDs comes from the
fact that sooner or later one or both of the butt-fuckers will be ripping
the lining of the intestines, and the bacteria, shit, smegma, and any other
disease or infection inside the intestinal tract will find the torn linings
and begin to fester there. Butt-Fucking leads to disease for anyone who is
getting fucked in the ass regularly.
RamRod Sword of Baal
2004-06-26 15:13:39 UTC
Post by K
"RamRod Sword of Baal"the same goes for two guys, anal sex is no risk as
long as it is with the same guy in a one to one relationship.
That is a LIE. Semen inside the intestinal tract mixed with feces and
bacteria creates a fermenting disease sauce. Later when you are licking your
friends asshole and sucking down the shit-smegma sauce, it can cause illness
to you. But the main source of the transmission of the STDs comes from the
fact that sooner or later one or both of the butt-fuckers will be ripping
the lining of the intestines, and the bacteria, shit, smegma, and any other
disease or infection inside the intestinal tract will find the torn linings
and begin to fester there. Butt-Fucking leads to disease for anyone who is
getting fucked in the ass regularly.
More words form a nong who has been listening to too many of his KKK friends
who know as much about sex as he does, IE nothing
2004-06-27 21:29:00 UTC
Post by K
"RamRod Sword of Baal"the same goes for two guys, anal sex is no risk as
long as it is with the same guy in a one to one relationship.
That is a LIE. Semen inside the intestinal tract mixed with feces and
bacteria creates a fermenting disease sauce. Later when you are licking your
friends asshole and sucking down the shit-smegma sauce, it can cause illness
to you. But the main source of the transmission of the STDs comes from the
fact that sooner or later one or both of the butt-fuckers will be ripping
the lining of the intestines, and the bacteria, shit, smegma, and any other
disease or infection inside the intestinal tract will find the torn linings
and begin to fester there. Butt-Fucking leads to disease for anyone who is
getting fucked in the ass regularly.
I think it is generally accepted that the risk of buttfucking is from
the tearing of the delicate rectal membranes, providing a perfect
source of entry for the virus into the bloodstream. "Normal" vaginal
sex doesn't pose nearly the same risk because the vagina has evolved
to withstand the rigors of intercourse and has many defense
mechanisms against pathogens. I'm not going to condemn anal sex,
although I don't personally care for it as a homosexual male, but I
will concede that the anus evolved for ONE reason and one reason
only, as an exit hole for feces. If you like to stick things up
there, fine, but don't pretend that it's safe. Don't think that
the current ideology of political correctness suddenly cancels out
millions of years of mammalian evolution and that chanting communist
propaganda slogans of equality somehow prevents deadly viruses from
entering through the rectum.

BTW, RamRod, you are a moron. Somehow HIV isn't transmitted within
"one on one" relationships? That only applies if neither partner
is infected and remains MONOGAMOUS throughout the duration of the
relationship. Yours is a common misperception throughout the gay
community; that they are somehow "safe" simply because they are in
a monogamous (they think) relationship. They don't bother getting
tested prior to beginning the relationship, then a few years later
one gets terribly sick, is diagnosed with AIDS, and (surprise!)
the other tests HIV+ because they didn't bother using condoms. Or
just as often their "faithful" partner isn't as faithful as they
think, contracts HIV outside the relationship, and infects the other.

"In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you
would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that
claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it."
-- George Orwell, "1984"
2006-07-11 07:08:59 UTC
Post by Sir.Tony
Anal sex is the affective way to spread a sexually transmitted disease

add me
